Image credit (Wikipedia)
  • I consider the Imaginary Friend Retirement Home in IF an Extension of “Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends”. What would happen if a kid like Mac forgot about his imaginary friend further down the line starting from adolescence to adulthood? What would his imaginary friend’s reaction be like?
  • Also Foster’s doesn’t have the monopoly on imaginary friend plotlines. A film like IF could make a different variation of this plotline too.
  • -Theme: Reconnecting to your inner child and rediscovering imagination through imaginary friends.
  • Favorite scenes: The group dance scene and Blossom dance scene. the painting scene.
  • Throwback to 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s family films.
  • Theme: Nurturing creativity and imagination.
  • Full of heartwarming moments.


  • I would have preferred trained voice actors for the voice of imaginary friends then celebrity voices.
  • The worldbuilding is underdeveloped with minimal information for imaginary friends’ backstories. Should Krasinski chose to make this film into an animated series, Fixing the worldbuilding should be a priority. Maybe the animated series should be like an anthology where each episode focuses on a different imaginary friend reminiscing about their adventures with their kid.
  • I would have like to have seen more full scenes of imaginary friends reconnecting with their kids instead of a quick montage near the end.

I recommend catching IF in theaters and watching it with your family.

Those families with small children will definitely get some enjoyment from it.

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